Monday, August 16, 2010

Famous Amos No More

Its really sad when you lose a pet. A goldfish or a bird, no big deal. But when it is an animal that you love with all your heart and soul, and that animal gets crushed by a drunk high school student on their way back from the beach at 5:00 in the AM, you can't help but be angry, and want to hurt that person the same way they hurt you.

Amos wasn't just a cat. He was a friend. A companion. His fluff was comforting when I couldn't handle it anymore. And now he is gone. He debuted in Curtains, as the lovable Ophelia. That should have been the start, but curtains rise and they fall, and before he could get another gig, catastrophe struck.

There will never be another cat alive that had the temperament that Amos had. It takes patience to sit under a stage in a PetTaxi for an hour and a half without making a sound. And then to be picked up by a total stranger, with a room full of people, and not freak out. I know I would have.

His shedding was a minor negative, but you could not not love that orange fluff ball. It was impossible to ignore that cat walking 5 feet in front of you and plop down, it was like he was saying "Scratch my belly!" You just couldn't say no.

What hurts even more is being gone when it happens. I was at Survivor Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. I didn't find out until after I got home. I was already tired, I stunk, was a little irate at the boy who I invited to this camp that barely said 10 words to me the entire weekend. Put the death of my favorite animal on top of that, and I was about ready to explode, A-Bomb style.

Sad stories make me cry. Its another chapter to add to the story that we call life.